Community Service Steps:
- Step 1: Familiarize yourself with the community service requirements
- Step 2: Identify the community organization that you want to work with and contact them to see if they have any volunteer opportunities.
- Step 3: Ask your social studies teacher for the community service proposal form or download it at the top of this page. Complete the proposal form.
- Step 4: Submit the completed form to your social studies teacher for approval. Once approved, you will receive a community service log to keep track of your hours.
- Step 5: You can begin your community service hours after you have been approved. Remember to log in your hours!
- Step 6: Once you have completed your community service hours, you will need to type a one-page, single-spaced essay (see proposal for instructions). Use Times New Roman 12 point font and 1 in. margins.
- Step 7: Staple you proposal, community service log, and essay together. Total the number of hours that you have completed on the top right corner of the proposal sheet and submit to your social studies teacher! That’s it you are done!
Quote regarding community service:
“Filling your volunteer hours doesn’t have to be a drag. To get some ideas on what you can do, check out this list of ideas for fun, unique community service projects. Who knows? You might even stick around after you’ve done your mandatory time.”
– Holly Ashworth (excerpt from Great Ideas for Filling Your Community Service Hours can be found on