Become a Dual Enrollment Student Today!
Graduate with your AA!
What is Dual Enrollment?
Dual Enrollment (DE) allows qualified studentsto enroll in college coursesthrough
local and state colleges and universities while still in high school. Credit earned
through DE can be used as college credit.
What you need to know:
- Requires a 3.00 unweighted Grade Point Average (GPA) to participate.
- Requires approval from parent/guardian, counselor, and principal/assistant principal. The school is under no obligation to accept credit without it.
- Gradesfor the courses will be posted on high school transcript.
- Requires completion of all college or university admission requirements including passing a placement test if required.
- The course fee is waived by the college/university, and the District paysfo the required books/materials.
- Transportation to and from the college/university isthe student’s responsibility.
- Required return for all textbooksissued or else will be financially responsible to the high school.
- Courses will be taken after school hours(2:30 PM) at the Miami-Dade Collegecampus.
Go to MDC’s Dual Enrollment website to learn all about dual enrollment and get your questions answered.
Step 1: Becoming an MDC Student – Have you ever taken a Dual Enrollment class at MDC? If not, the first thing you need to do is apply to be an MDC student. It istaking approximately 24-48 hours for MDC to process the application. Click here to access the application.
Step 2: After MDC processes your application, they will email you an MDC ID #. Once you receive the ID number you will email the dual enrollment coordinator, or with your ID # and a parent/guardian’s email address. The dual enrollment coordinator will then complete a referral form for you.
Step 3: Once MDC receives your referral form, you will need to register for a placement test if needed.
Step 4: Selecting your classes – Please review MDC – AA Pathway (click here) for courses you may be interested in taking. Visit the MDC website to search for the times and days the classes are offered (click here to search for a class). Classes are subject to approval by the Dual Enrollment Coordinator. Use this quick tutorial to guide you through the selection process.
Step 5: When you receive the dual enrollment registration form from MDC, please fill out Section 1, 2, and 3. Please make sure you put in the correct course information in Section 2 (MDC Course, Course Title and Class Number).