NAF Academy of Finance

NAF and NM Senior Academies of Finance connect high school students with the world of financial services, offering a curriculum that covers entrepreneurship, banking and credit, financial planning, international finance, securities, insurance, accounting, and economics, among other topics.

These courses introduce students to a wide array of careers. AOF graduates who continue on to other industries benefit from learning the critical concepts of business management, accounting, and ethics.

Curriculum9th Grade
Info Technology
10th Grade
11th Grade
Financial Operations
12th Grade
Financial Planning
RequirementsRequired GPAMath: Algebra HigherEnglish: English 1 or HigherSicence: Earth & Space / Biology or Higher
History: World History or Higher
OpportunitiesJob Shadowing / Field TripsDual EnrollmentIntership
5 WK Summer
On the Job Traning
BenefitsA variety of College Scholarhips / GrantsBright Futures ScholarshipsFlorida Gold SealAcademy Graduation

Post-Secondary Schools:

  • Florida International University – Finance/Accounting
  • Florida A & M University – School of Business and Industry
  • Florida Gulf Coast University – Finance/Accounting
  • University of Central Florida – Finance/Accounting
  • And many more schools who offer the program in Finance…..

Career Options:

  • Entry Level Jobs: Clerk, Customer Service Assistance, Independent Owner, Teller
  • Post-Secondary: Business Manager, Finance Officer, Office Manager, Bank Manager, etc.

For further assistance contact: Ms. VanRees at